Location: https://goo.gl/maps/3zwRc95p9xn
Size: medium
Quality: high – this park is well maintained in a safe area
Ease of Access: medium – the parking lot is somewhat out of sight from the road but there is a clear sign. It is also not on a main road, but your GPS should take you right to the destination.
Features: 1 parking lot, porta potties, trash, 1 gated entry, fully fenced, benches, 1 small dog area, water fountains, decent amount of shade, 0 ponds/rivers, ok scenery, mixed gravel/grass, no agility course
parking lot, 1 dual gated entry, 2 areas, no agility course, water, shade, portapotties, trash, benches, commercial industrial park area, secluded, quiet except for airport
Cost: free
Sam’s Field Notes: this is a nice, secluded dog park somewhat far from central Denver. It is mostly quiet except for the airport. It does not have an agility course, however there are concrete tunnels your dog can run through. It feels much less popular than other dogs parks so you may not experience much socialization. Overall I liked this dog park because it felt nice and could be a great spot to relax and read a book while your dog plays.